Youth Vacant Lot Greening Grant Available

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

YNDC is pleased to present a third round of funding for an opportunity meant to help groups involve youth in vacant lot greening projects across the city.

This program was funded through the Centers for Disease Control and is being led by the University of Michigan as part of a 5 year, 3 city study of vacant land reuse (now in its third year). A wide variety of groups may apply, but youth involvement (ages 10 - 24) must be at the core of proposed projects for this opportunity. Researchers will be monitoring project implementation and maintenance. Funds awarded can be used to compensate youth involved in the project.

There are specific eligibility requirements for support - groups MUST get their proposed site and project approved by project staff prior to submitting the application by calling Jack Daugherty at 330.480.0423. Applications are DUE by 5PM on Friday, April 27, 2018. Please see the application below for program details.