Youngstown Holds Citywide Safe Routes to School Project Kickoff

October 14, 2015

A kickoff meeting was held on October 14 for the Citywide Safe Routes to School project.

The purpose of the meeting was to provide key stakeholders an overview of the Safe Routes to School program and the process for developing the School Travel Plan and applying for implementation funding. Stakeholders included principals of schools in Youngstown, Youngstown City School District superintendent and board members, city officials, Youngstown City Council members, and YNDC staff. The planning process will identify issues that prevent students from safely walking and biking to school and will develop countermeasures to address these issues. Countermeasures will involve a mix of engineering, education, encouragement, enforcement, and evaluation activities. The City of Youngstown will use the Citywide School Travel Plan to apply for project funding in spring of 2016.