YNDC Launches Crowdfunding Campaign for 45 Oneta Street! Please DONATE NOW!

Monday, November 2, 2015

YNDC has launched a crodwfunding campaign to continue 45 Oneta Street improvements and seeks to raise $10,000 to complete additional construction and rehabilitation work at the facility.

This facility will serve as a base of operations for our efforts to FIGHT BLIGHT citywide by boarding up, cleaning up, and rehabilitating vacant properties.

The garage will be used:

· to cut and paint boards to board up vacant homes on a scale that we've never been able to accomplish before,

· to safely store bulk building materials in order to cut costs and increase the number of homes we can rehabilitate across the city each year,

· to perform routine maintenance on our vehicles and equipment, such as oil changes, filter replacements, tune-ups, and other repairs we have the skills to perform in-house, which will improve the sustainability of our fleet of blight fighting vehicles

Please consider a donation and DONATE NOW!
